Yeah, this is going to be a thin section. As you may be able to tell by the fact I’m using a psuedonym, I don’t really want to tell anything about myself. Quite simply: all you need to know is that I am a lover of stories. Stories of all kinds (mostly). Putting it glibly again, all stories are my friends. Otherwise, I will point out that my psuedonym was very specifically chosen. the given name of Martlet is a reference to the mythical bird used in medieval heraldry. A Martlet was a small bird akin to a swallow save it had no feet and thus couldn’t land. Thus, one interpretation of it is as a symbol of an eternal quest for learning and adventure, a sentiment I find I like. And I just think swallows are neat, so it worked well that way. As for the surname, it acts as a means of dictating my heritage. Those of you familiar with the etymology (I think) of names can piece together what I mean by that, particularly in the specific lens of choosing ‘di’ for the preposition and ‘Rotstein’ as the name itself. As for ‘Rotstein’, it’s a toponymic. I’ll leave it at that. All in all, assume that my pen name just means I’m not nearly as clever as I think I am.

If there’s anything else necessary, I’ll add it in later. For now, that’s all I feel you need to know. I’m just a ‘petty peddler of stories’ after all. Let’s all have fun reading and such!

I suppose it should be noted that I ‘have’ a Twitter account. I don’t intend on using it much, so don’t expect too much but I guess I have to link it:
Here’s my Bookbub Author Profile link. Probably more useful than anything else I could add here. Has a more concise list of book recommendations too:
I’ll add any other relevant links here as they become appropriate.