So I just wanted to put a little bit of an update here. Because I recognize that I said I was going to post something soon and then a solid month and a half passed without a word. And to be frank, it’s just a matter of my own insecurities. To put it glibly, “Blood of fire and a heart of glass” [Footnote 1]. This comes across two-fold. First, in that I want to share the stuff I love with people, talk about stories and such, but I also have this overwhelming feeling that I’m doing those stories an injustice, I can’t actually put across what I want to say well [Footnote 2], and that nobody really even cares what I have to say. Second… Wait, I think I mostly captured it in the first, just from a different perspective. Basically everything I just said except about my own works instead of other people’s. I’m regularly assailed with the feeling that I’m a terrible writer, nobody will ever like my stories, and I’m just the absolute worst. So those two particular attitudes makes it hard for me to commit to actually posting stuff. And I know that those are things I just need to be of good courage about — I’m the only one holding me back, no one else. It’s just hard sometimes, eh?
With all of that being said, I would like to try and establish a semi-formal schedule for updates. Because it’s not just my ramblings that are suffering. The rest of the website has somewhat languished in the meantime and I do want it to be… Well at least worth a look if you’re interested in my stories or their setting. With that in mind, I will be trying to hold myself to two updates a month, one on the ides and one at the end. I don’t currently have a set attitude in regards to what will be posted when, but just look for any kind of update on either the 15th or the last day of a month [Footnote 3].
And with that being said, I do also want to keep up with sharing my baking. So here’s a few slices of bread I baked recently:
Once more, this ended up coming from the D&D cookbook, so I can’t give you the recipe. ‘Elven Bread’, or just a kind of cinnamon swirl loaf. There were a few minor mishaps and I’m not entirely pleased with how it came out — you can see that the spiral didn’t stay tight and the area around the filling looks a little underdone — but my family and I did end up eating one of the two loafs in a single night. So that’s something. And even after eating the whole thing, I’m not entirely sure if those spots were underdone or not. They didn’t really eat that underdone and I wonder if its just that the moisture of the egg-wash component of the filling made it bake a bit different.
Footnote 1: You messed up the quote. – The Twisted Jerk
Footnote 1a: Quiet you! I know I messed up the quote! It’s more thematically appropriate this way.
Footnote 2: Rather ironic that someone who makes a craft of explaining things feels inadequate in regards to explanation, eh?
Footnote 3: That’s not how the ides work. It depends on the month. – The Twisted Jerk
Footnote 3a: Oi! I’m doing my best, eh? Excuse me for trying to add a little bit of flavor to things.