This one’s hardly even a chapter. Just a mere one pager. But like Snuff says, sometimes it’s nice to be domestic. And in any case, it is a good chapter in what it accomplishes in its short span. In the first place, it acts as — to my memory — the last of the really short chapters before things pick up right before the new moon. Which from a readability standpoint is good because it’s kind of like the last breath before a long dive. It tells you that things have been easy so far, there’ve been a few lulls in a row, but things aren’t going to be this slow again. But it also does something else really well: it shows the broader effect of the Game. We only see what Snuff does, which isn’t even all of what Jack does. And Jack is notably somewhat sedate for a player, since he’s an old-hand and knows what he’s doing. He isn’t sloppy. But the same doesn’t go for everyone else and it shows in the headlines. There is chaos, of the small sort. A rash of violent crime following the Game; we just don’t see it most of the time since Snuff isn’t involved. So this chapter’s a good reminder of what’s at stake.
And So It Begins…
Unicorn Overlord is out. It’s lived up to the demo so far and I’m looking forward to continuing my playthrough. My only complaint really is that I understand there is a kind of ‘choose Alain’s Read more…